Maria Sudibyo Poems

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Shakespeare, William Shakespeare

kill the boys
kill the girls
let the old suffer delusions

Babies Trilogy

Babies on demand
First they cry out
When ignored they cry louder
When still ignored they start kicking and breaking

Art Of Face

Whether pretty, whether ugly
Whether smooth, whether wrinkles
Strong character or average standard
Face is the front line charisma

Reason, Happiness And Any Fight Between Them

It Would Be Me

It would be me
Not anybody else
Dear my family, dear my friend
It would be me to live my life

My Home Is Where My Heart Is

my home is where my heart is
neither in palatial building
nor in simple cabin

Art Of Wind

Whether strong, whether sway
Whether irritating, whether couraging
Stormy nights or flash of breeze
Wind goes wherever blows

Encounter Of The First Kind

There’s a part of my heart opened
What will come after like
Till that thing can’t be hidden anymore
After liking someone, we will like him more

Seven Simple Rules Of Being Adaptive

Seven simple rules of being adaptive
One, being the best doesn’t always make you survive
Two, beware of boredom and of loneliness, it will stay and decay you fast
Three, if you caught in front of many people, doing something stupid, just smile and relax. They’ll soon forget about it

Fundamental Of Liar Chapter Xxix: Power Of Mass

dumb viewers are more dangerous to destroy good movie than mean critic
numb eaters are more dangerous to waste delicious food than culinary expert
uneducated readers are more dangerous to bury qualified book than shallow reviewer
stubborn fans are more dangerous to kill promising star than greedy producer

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