Maria Sudibyo Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Nothing Less Than Me

You can steal my job
You can cut my payment
But you can't take
Anything more from me


If you never make a mistake
You will make a mistake
If you make a mistake
You will make another mistake


Is it so hard to talk to you?
When something is not like you want
You immediately put your defense wall
And attack me with your weak argument

Heaven Or Hell, Please Confirm

In the bus I am staring outside the window
Catching a false glimpse of shadow from the past
I know I should not whine
When something is not like I want

Art Of Apology

From the bottom heart, or just a formal duty
By throwing pride, or only saving the face
Being sincere, or hidden manipulation
Would you hear my apology?

Glass Lover

You thought that you have known all about me
But it is just reflection that I want you to see
Even though you take a look closer than this
I have so many colors to distract you


When one is the thief in the run
The other is servant of the law

When one always lives in gutter


'Having money'
Maybe could give assurance
Could make life easier
Could be a good offer

Tall Tree Standing In Middle Of Hall

Tall tree standing in middle of hall
For what purpose you grow so tall
Do you long to reach the beloved sky
Or do you want to show that you are so grand

Cloud Of Sadness

Sadness is like cloud
Sometimes it just fleeting thin in the air
Sometimes it surround us with melancholy feeling
Sometimes it united into one giant fluff

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