Maria Sudibyo Poems

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Fundamental Of Liar Chapter Ciii: Formality

Sleep for satisfaction not for necessity
Eat for growing not for survival
Cry for relief not for attention
Smile for honesty not for politeness

Don’t Say Hate Easily

Don’t say hate easily
Because like love we don’t know where it will run
Don’t say hate and give no damn
Because someone will hurt and it’ll become burden

Fundamental Of Liar Chapter Civ: Neither

The fact is here, but neither wants to see
The truth is here, but neither wants to trust
The heart is here, but neither wants to notice
The word is here, but neither wants to point

Order The Fear

Order the fear
And watch it smear
Inside your ears
And through your tears

Apple Flower Petal

Apple flower petal
Fall on snowy day
Sunshine white and glow
On empty station roof ice pillar melted

Rain Fragrance

The trickle rhymes, the heavy drums
The lullaby song, that’s the sound of the rain
Sudden cold shot, soothing wet blanket

Don’t Worry (Matthew 6: 24-34)

Don’t worry about your life
About what will you eat and drink
About your body
About what will you wear

Over The Dead Body

Don’t fight over the dead body
Grudge and ego of people left behind
Could raise the worst world war
Don’t scared over the dead body


Even you try hard
You will never have the eyes of somebody else
You could never think exactly like somebody else
Could never decide, act and live exactly like the life of others


You don’t need to know about me
I don’t want to be known by you either
You are not worth to know about me
I’d better hide than serve your selfish ego

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