Maria Sudibyo Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Hermaphrodite Part 3

If you call them a sin
Do you stone them and let them die?
If you call them a fault
Do you not see them as still human being?

Hermaphrodite Part 2

It never said that God only creates male and female
What about the plant?
What about the animal?
If God creates some with two sex in one body

I'M Not There

Don't cry me over my grave
I'm not there, I'm not there
Don't place me on your altar
I'm not there, I'm not there

Art Of Waiting

For promise, for destiny
For love, for a chance
For light, for happiness
For freedom, for peace

Fundamental Of Liar Chapter Clxxiii: Dis Obedient

I don't mind to search
But I don't like it when I don't know any clue at all
I don't mind to study
But I don't like it if you keep reminding me about that

A Flickering Hope

Though devil comes to mock
So thin so thin your chance now
Grit your teeth and attack

Sin City

I long for the day when I believe I'm innocent
Now whose hands that tainted with blood?
I miss the day when I could be a naive
Now whose words that coated with deceiver?

Not Just A Feeling

If you feel something unfamiliar
Don't deny but ask why
It only leads to a confusion
But if you could admit your selfishness

An Episode Of Your Life

There is one episode in your life
That you gladly kill, destroy, and rip it from your memory
Just to make it forgotten forever
There is one episode in your life

Going Home In Rain

Fall heavily again this afternoon
Roll up your skirt, your useless umbrella
Get soaked in flooding battle

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