Maria Teresa Trinidad

Maria Teresa Trinidad Poems

went for a walk and met myself.

Strolling on a grassy field.

Goodbyes are beginnings

Of things to come, without you.

The Best Poem Of Maria Teresa Trinidad

Pure Heaven, Pure Bliss

went for a walk and met myself.

Strolling on a grassy field.

Nearby is a small stream.

I remember catching tiny frogs there,

after a downpour.

A smiling rainbow

would show itself, shyly.

My small feet would run on the green carpet,

Untiringly chasing butterflies.

I flew my own home-made kites here.

It soared the clear blue sky.

I'd soak myself in the warmth of the morning sun.

Basking in the lovely sunlight,

I would lie on soft grass

and smell brown earth underneath.

My final resting place.

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