Marilyn Lott Poems

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This Country Girl

I grew up in the country
And it’s the place I love
Fresh air to breathe
Close to God up above

Farm For Sale

I’ve always wanted to buy a charming farm
How exciting my life would be
I would have every kind of animal
A menagerie of critters for me

An Icy Winter

Brrrr, it’s cold this morning
Ice cycles hanging from the fence
They look like clothespins on a line
In a world so frozen and tense

Nothing Says Spring Like Daffodils!

We watch as the little crocus heads
Pop out of the ground in spring
Primroses so sweet and colorful
Is a flower warm weather brings

Springtime Magic

There is so much magic in springtime
As our landscape begins to wake up
Much like a warm delicious coffee
That we sip from a special coffee cup

Golden Wheat Fields

Driving down that red dirt road
I take a deep gulp of air
Ah yes, I love those wheat fields
Any worries will quickly repair

The Taste Of Chocolate

Valentine's Day is wonderful ‘cause
Nothing in the world has a taste
Like the flavor of chocolate
Not a tiny morsel you'll waste

Losing Track Of Time

Do you ever have a day
When you just plain want to glide?
You don’t want to plan anything
Whatever surfaces you’ll let it slide?

Family Pictures

Don't you just love old family pictures?
Dug out from dusty box or chest
I don't think there is anything else
That can compare - they're the absolute best

Friday Night Excitement

Friday nights are so exciting
Out on the football field
Cheerleaders yelling encouragement
Excitement is beginning to build

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