Marissa Ford Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Why Do U Yell? ?

Your yell everyday of the week
Why? ? I do as u ask
I hate it here all I do is get yelled at
When will it stop? ?

I Can Finally Breathe

Finally I can breathe around you again
I don't feel like I have to walk on egg shells
I have a new boyfriend
when you found out I saw the look in your eyes

Who Am I

been crying for a day
I haven't found out my place
Why am i here?
What pourpose do i have?


I'm scared
I mihgt break
I might kill me
I might do something I'll regret

I Want You To Die

You say u want me to die
I will once I find out if I'm pregnant or not
U said u love me I knew it was lie as soon as u said it
I'm cutting cuz of you

You'Re Stupid Boyfriend

His name is colby
you stole him from me
he has runied my life
i hate him and you

You'Re Supposed To Be My Parents

You're supposed to love me
You're supposed to be there for me
You're not supposed to call me names
Or even hit me around

I Feel: (

I feel the wind blow through my hair
I feel the sun warming my thoughts
I feel the water as I walk
I see the sun rising

Mental Breakdown

Do you see?
i cry all night
i come home with not a smile
you don't ask whats wrong

Little Brother

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