Marjorie Kindell Watts

Marjorie Kindell Watts Poems

In the foyer of my beauteous place-a springtime's day,
In my hall of splendid photographs, on pathways, in play;
In our town of churches, on our host of waterways,
In all the pretty places I have seen in all my days;

A magnificent fragrance-these lovely lilac blossoms!
The excuisite, soft feel of the cone is exalting;
No great splendor in the grass in springtime
Could ever match or surpass these potent, purple gems.

He was a handsome little boy in 1926 at age of seven,
With his bib overalls and curly blond head of hair;
He wore knicker pants and more blond curls at age of eleven.
A uniformed Marine he was at twenty-two,

Intensely I remember him-my husband, soulmate, friend,
Involved we were in living life and laboring till the end;
Invigorated by one another, we multiplied our gain,
Intrigued by love and happiness we covered well our pain!

The Best Poem Of Marjorie Kindell Watts

My Sentence

In the foyer of my beauteous place-a springtime's day,
In my hall of splendid photographs, on pathways, in play;
In our town of churches, on our host of waterways,
In all the pretty places I have seen in all my days;
In a yard of lilacs and wherever pine trees grow,
In all the darkness I have seen, in every moonbeams glow;
In woods and meadows, on lakes and streams, on a starry night,
In happy hours, on pine needle bed, in darkness and in light;
In cathedrals-sacred portals, even all alone,
In hours of pain, in hours of joy, and all things I have known;
In all the days since first you came to share my love in part,
In all these places all I know is, I love you, dear heart.

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