Marvin Brato Sr Poems

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A Great Poem

Jesus Christ is a great poem
as believers He is an inspiration
to boost our spirit with faith and love
willing to sacrifice for the good of others


Cute little shitzu
sweet and playful
you brought us zest
and enlivened our lives

Tears For Candy

Can not hold the tears
it just flowed like a mist
that wet my eyes with pain
as I lost someone very special

Words Before Actions?

In the beginning there was nothing
emptiness ruled the universe at first
then God said' Let there be light'
and there was light everywhere.

Faith Vs Science (Is There God?)

Faith believes
before investigating.

Science investigates

Golden Moment

Being in love is momentous
it can be the highest pedestal
we can achieve in this existence
its a gift from God for us to savor

Shallow Friendship

People need people
as no one is an island
man lives in symbiosis
others survive like parasites

Shades Of Grey

Love is universal
yet it is controversial
its colors are quite variable
it seem to be incomparable

A Hard Work

Life is dull and meaningless
if there shall be no challenges
when one dares take such option
then man's existence has no direction

Poetry Is Forever

Clicking, seconds count...
sixty minutes make an hour,
twenty four is one day...
and thirty-one days in a month,

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