Marvin Brato Sr Poems

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Casual Sex

I saw your two alluring eyes looking at me,
Intruding into the extend of my bold masculinity;
Teasing me to challenge your desirous femininity.
Then you cam closer smiling without any reservation,

Love & Sex

Love one another connotes adoration
By a being who cares for a special one,
Other than himself to please his partner.
True love offers sacrifices for his beloved;

Sex Measures Love?

Do you love me?
Yes I do!
Then prove it to me...
How can I do it?

Perfectly Imperfect Poetry

Poetry is an infinite expressions
of human thoughts and emotions
excited by the external environment
synthesized through an internal intent.


Beyond the placid place
in every peaceful place
lies the mystic clandestine
that molds how life is destine.

My T-Leg

Life is a journey
that gives meaning
and reasons to my soul

Better Poet

I can write poems with ease
can be about anything with haste
my mind is full with words and phrases
that I can express in short or lengthy phase.

On My Wake (Own Eulogy)

Sudden death came to me this hour.
I expected to die but not this moment:
When I am on the height of my prime,
my familycelebrates my promotion,


A body lies in total stillness
devoid of spirit, emptiness reigns
not an ember of thoughts remains
that could ignite a tingling message

Beauty Is Power, Smile Isits Word

Beauty is Power, Smile is its Word
We were born bare
An innate beauty to stare
God created us all in His image

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