Mashiur Rahman Poems

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Once More

If possible just once more
You may open your mind's door.

I'm waiting beside the door

To This World

I will never come to this world again

I came once
I will leave once


Without the practice of human religion, there is no peace in human life. This peace is personal, this peace is family, this peace is social, this peace is state, this peace is global. This peace is all the time.

If you consider yourself as belonging to a community, if your community is large then there is no limit to your ego, your arrogance, you desperately despise other peoples. Again if your community is minor then you have shame and weak, you walk in kindness, you offten accept triviality, you keep your head down.... In this way all other minority communities are being overlooked in various ways. But these acts are the stupidity, gross consciousness or narrow mindedness. It's time to change these.

One Flower

One flower many scents
One flower three colours
Three days three drops.

Unseen Love

Going Crazy

I wanted to simple but fastest way.
Only you know that it's received or not
I can't match with others
about thinking, movement, speech and acts.


Divine touch
feeling expressive-less
just feel

Willingly Surrender

My willingly surrender in my own self
Trees are silent so hear Birds harsh calling
Trees are still so see mundane caper
Silent hill so wild pigs racing on her body

With My Own Behaviour

I love you but don't get love in return
For your absence always my mind burn
That're support me to feel love of nature
And I go on as with my own behaviour.


The Creator or Allah or God is only one and amorphous.

Of course the He has a shape
We all creations are one of the individual shapes of Him

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