Mathias Svalina Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Creation Myth

In the beginning everyone looked like Larry Bird
but everyone did not have the name Larry Bird
& this was confusing. Everyone had a headache

Winter Stars

I've been through this
before in my imagination,
since you were never predicted
to live this long.

The Wine-Dark Sea (I)

So many suns
& for each, also,
an inner noise.

The Wine-Dark Sea (Ii)

Blank here, grass-cracked
& babbling parking lots.
Nothing moves
to cross the day.

The Wine-Dark Sea (Iii)

Make a noise
& there is no

The Wine-Dark Sea (Iv)

It's harder to tell
where the world ends.
I can't think without Julia
so Julia is my mind.

The Future

You are building a ladder that reaches to the bottom of everything. It goes so deep that it reaches the future & there you find all the people who loved you & you gather them in one room & you ask them questions like What

You Are An Island

You are an island. People live on you; things grow on you; people build things on you. Half of the people carry compasses, the other half mechanical pencils. You might have to say a few things about love here. You tap your

One Night

I am scared of one night. One night might come upon me while I sleep. One night might kiss me & never unzip its lips. I never try to leave the bed, never try to sit up. One night is always there like a tumor: a drum machine fear.

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