Matti Mortimore

Matti Mortimore Poems


Sometime in the future, distant or near,
There will be a person, to whom it shall fear.
To have the unique and ghastly terror,
Of being the very last standard-bearer.

The Best Poem Of Matti Mortimore


Sometime in the future, distant or near,
There will be a person, to whom it shall fear.
To have the unique and ghastly terror,
Of being the very last standard-bearer.

Their life alone, in unimaginable solitude,
Only accompanied by that utter certitude.
That they are the very end of humanity,
In that sobering thought of complete insanity.
What dark abyss of overwhelming sadness,
Of utter horror and total madness.

Unknown to everyone and all,
‘Tis left to them in how we fall.
And with their very last and precious breath,
So comes the end, and humanity's death.
And just like that, we pass on bye,
Extinct and gone with the closing of an eye.
Beauty and meaning, and every other trace,
Of what was us, swallowed up, by time, and space.

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