This country is not a so called country,
It has more beauty than a lovely poetry.
There is no crisis for food,
The traditional problems will go forgood.

I want a woman who makes love to me with her eyes open,
I want a woman who will look into mine.
I want a woman who smiles wonderfully,
I want a woman who cries gently.

Silence is better for ignorant,
Anytime he or she can be arrogant.

If we are not possessed of perfection or excellence,

I was pleased to hear the music that was more than music,
I was pleased to drink coffee that was more than coffee.
But now without you everything seems empty,
Before which was pretty right now it seems ugly.

Now my sixth sense is busy;
Finding the meaning of all the work and existence around it,
As the bees keep collecting honey all the time,
They come to me, sometimes as darkness and sometimes as shines,

Migration is a continuous process
It started from Adam and Eve
Animals and birds are also doing this
The extreme weather forces us to move.

The sun is getting prepared to set
The waves of the sea are roaring;
They are excited to touch the travelers feet.
The wind is also singing.

Racism started when God created Adam
The Devil didn't want to bow him,
Because he was created from smokeless fire
But Adam was created from mud and water.

No doubt he was a deadliest killer,
He was born as an angel not a murderer
His surroundings forced him to be a Hitler.

We know our commitment should be strong,
Our fists will be tight.
Sometime we will do right or wrong,
We have to continue our fight.

This is nothing but a profitable business ever,
The rich countries make weapons to kill other
The poor nations are worst sufferer
There is no one who can do us care.

If there was no border for everyone,
If everyone could visit wherever they want,
If every country could become free zone,
If no one could say we are different.

Once I was angry with myself.
Why I was brought here?
Why everyone busy for themself?
Why there is no peace anywhere?

Where it's come from?
How it's look like?
Has it got any fathom?
No one can it dislike.

I had entered into the Paradise of Love,
I had encountered unforgettable experiences
There was a heart shape temple can't move
I was delighted to watch the green landscapes

Existing reports said that we are super being,
But recently another being is appeared,
They are called Alien who are different thing
Do they really exist?

What's on my mind,
Absently seeking for that.
Something that can not be hidden,
I don't know who are being followed me.

It was a dark night,
The bus was carrying passengers.
I was sitting next to the window,
Suddenly a woman came and sat beside me.

Traveler, you lost the way
We are the traveler of the same route,
Someone is vagabond and someone is rich.
Someone has luxurious building,


When I see the evening star in the sky,
Suddenly I remembered your flushed eyes.
When the stars are lit,
During that time I remembered her more.


I was born on the 12th December 1983 at Dhaka in Bangladesh.I have been completed my Graduation and Post Graduation from Dhaka University.Then Came to London for higher study but couldn't complete that for financial crisis. After three years I had to leave the UK for Belgium. Now I am here more than five years running my own business.)


There Is A Country

This country is not a so called country,
It has more beauty than a lovely poetry.
There is no crisis for food,
The traditional problems will go forgood.
There is no wars and crimes,
No one will beg for alms.
There is no rich or poor,
No one ever bangs others door.
Everyone is treated equally,
Everything is run orderly.
No one hurts other for religion's purposes,
There is no sign of child or women abuses.
No one does shout on others,
There is no place for killers.
There is no one who dose back slashes,
They are always busy for good wishes.
There is no superiority or minority,
Everywhere remains peace and tranquility.



'If you want to test someone how he or she is honest, Lend them some money.'

'If people are not in trouble as well as they don't have any financial and physical problems they won't have no faith in God.'



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