Melanie Weeks Poems

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Without A Once Goodbye

I was hanging out with my friends today,
Just Like every Sunday at church.
My best friend went inside and came out,
Eyes real wide and smiling.

Wash It Away

Standing on the porch alone in the rain,
I wanna dance.
I'm gonna after the month I've had.
I'm just gonna let the rain


Lets just walk away.
Lets just excape from the drama of the day.
People starting things they shouldn't start.
They're hurting you, and hurting me.

Lie To Me

Tell me that you'r doing just fine
Baby, Show me that you're moving on.

Don't tell me you're moping around.

I Wanna Leave

I hate the fact you don't need me
I hate the Fact ya'll cut me out.
I'm not the most perfect person,
But I'd try to be there if you needed me.

Dying Again/Burning

Forget this world I'm living in
It's not real and it's making me die.
I'm dieing again in this world
That I loved.

Rustic Wolf

Dear Wolf I know you're huring
I know you think hope's lost.
You will survive, I promise.

Ask Me On A Sunday

Ask me on a Sunday,
How am I doing?
And how's my life?

The Silent Wonderings Of A Library Parton

The silent wonderings
Of a library patron.

If books had feelings,

Watching The Blind Man

Blind man walking down the street,
His guide stick going side to side.

I wonder what he's thinking?

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