Melissa Stevens Poems

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Stage Acting

Almost on the stage but first a young woman is giving me directions where to go and come on
Coming out of a window, walking down the brown stairs with body movements and hand gestures
Came to a spot, sitting down amused watching a young woman sang so beautifully
Calls for the next scene

Nightmares Never End

Get your hands off me, who do you think you are
Coming in here especially where I'm trying to be alone
Yelling at me, you want things to go your way all the time
No I had it enough of you, saying things to you

Tree Of Ladders

It was one stormy night, houses were getting destroyed, and families were scared to death
Walking through a mysterious creepy forest alone in the dark, feeling a chilly shivers up to my spine
Should I turn back where people have no clue what to do
Seeing a big unique house made of ladders going across to side to side

Until The Sun Goes Down

One day you have me, but only that one day
Until the sun goes down
Then I must leave
But now the time we had

Caring For A New Pet

Sun shining, with hopes and dreams
But more hoping to it
Soft as a dog's fur
Fluffy as polar bear's fur

What Path Are You Taking?

When someone enters a path
A path is when you go somewhere
Somewhere far away, out of your comfort zone
Are you zoning it out?

Lost In Sea

I look down on sea
Open wide, chewing on their prey
Nature takes it's own course
Time has come, to be gone

Perdido En Mar

Yo mirar abajo en del mar
Abierto amplio, masticacion en su presa
Naturaleza toma que es propio curso
Tiempo tiene venir, a ser ido

Things Are Repeated

A cold breeze, a cloudy day
Wind blowing your beautiful, soft, dark brown hair
She sings everyday so beautifully and dancing in the rain
Walking towards her, then pulling her close

Almost Feels Like Heaven

Open wide sky
While the birds chirping along the sky, way up there
The sky is still cloudy as usual but I don't mind
I enjoy the rain and the cloudy days, the sweet sound of rain falling towards to the rounded Earth from delightful, cloudy sky

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