Michael Gale Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Are You A Cussing, Mustering Custer?

Is fiction nonfiction of fictional fact? ...
Do these facts change the mission that may be right on tracked.
Is this of a fictitional traite? ...
Cannot we, to this subject, to just fix up, and do change to straight?

All Angel's Vengence.

Harken as angels sing, to hold not one's own breath...
Simply put as thee.
Harken to my death...
Splay apart thy broken wings.

Be Best This Gifted Vine Lit Flower.

Lo' vinely vine of finely power...
Be best this gifted vine lit flower.

Daintly set beside thy tower....

Be It Will And Be It May.

Be it will and be it may...
Never more to unfurbished dismay.

How doth ye plan out strategy of worn'th heart? ...

Tossed Rag-A-Muffins.

Dust bunnies just-a-swirlin' in the wind...
Scattered all about as tossed rag-a-muffins.

Winds of war awakens the beast in us all...

Swing, Swing Hardest, At The Curve Balls, Hurled At You

Swing, swing hardest at the curve balls hurled at you by the big pitcher up way high...
That is all we can do, is but try and sigh.

Now, mind you, i'm not implying that we are punished in any way...

My Baby Left Me, For A New Place In Time...

My baby left me for a place in time...
A place in my heart all gone, all gone.

She left me for a place unlined....

For Nothing Of Naught So Sought Thy Song.

Prefractures of a fracturing sparkle...
Predentures of a faltering nature.

Holy phone calls to one who cares...

God Has A Heart #1.

.............................Reject Satan......reject sin...ignore
..........................evil of all as we....strive to eternally win.
........................To heart and soul, do'th thee spend...Many
......................Man's triumphs do we demand as command.

Satan, Will To Hell, Be Eternally Hurled.

Hands clasped together as in prayer...
God is there, yes, he is there.

God looks down upon this ground...

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