Michael Gale Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Wiener Dog Callie!

Wiener dog, wiener dog, flipping your
rawhide toy, Playfully romping and chewing
and creating your own joy! You bark at the
postman, as he delivers the mail, You end up

Love's Search For Lost Loved Perchless Sway.

Rush in real fast so fast at heart....
Rush in real fast to master thy art.
Love is an art so hard to handle...
Love throws out all rules not out.

A City's Wintery Spells Of Coldest Icey Outer Shells.

A city's besied streets run averse and too unseen...
Neatness in alleys run way too much abreast.

Neatness lacking at messy is best...

Christmas Comes But Once A Year.

Christmas comes but once a year...
Holy cow, it's already here-oh dear!
Packages to unwrap b'neath this tree...
Hopefully-less gifts for sis-more gifts for me.

God Heals All Pain And Aches.

A heart hit with times of failured troubles...
Equal's pain hurled hard at my heart.
I pray to God that my troubles will leave...
That through God's guidence, i'll become real smart.

Is A Soccer Mom A Loser? ...For Sure! , I Betcha!

A Governor of Alaska running not far...
Tried to fire an ex-brother-in-law who drove a patrol car...

A Vice Presidentual candidate will not really rate....

Boo Who- Yeegads-I'M Scared!

Narrowed halls close in from all sides to cause paranoidal worry...
Must we rush or must we hurredly scurry?

Lo' look and gander at that hand that wraps fro' roun' doorway's

A Rose Doth Be But What A Rose Doth Be.

That flowering petal is the flag to a nose...
It's signal's is it's beautiful but uncommon sense of one lone single rose.

Leaves often than naught fall all due to a lifely end...

A Blue Suede Heart Break From Life.

I shook my hips down at Heart Break Hotel...
My ghost now supposedly wanders to where, I just
will not tell.

Lo' to release feelings of grandure and appeasements displayed...
How can i fend off feelings of depressional disdained?
Why does it seem that i wander around in a dismal abysse? ...
When will feelings of missment loving escape me finally to the great

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