Michael P. Johnson Poems

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Coloured Garments

No matter where on earth we go
Always there’s someone wants to know
If Jesus’ flock is truly free
What colour have His sheep to be?

Love Your Brother

“He without sin, throw the first stone”
Spoke Jesus Christ with holy breath
The crowd could only turn and moan
None could throw the stone of death

In Christ I See

The devil is a lying cheat
He’d steal the Fathers’ love
He’d rob the world of all belief
That Christ is Lord above

It’s Always Darkest

“Redundant” was his bitter cry
He’d heard it in the town
It left his family high and dry
The mine was closing down

God Asked Noah

Before the world was drenched in shame
Ere Satan reigned in man
The Father Son and Holy Flame
Wrote down salvation’s plan

When All Else Fails

Does life just seem to pass you by?
It leaves a bitter taste?
You feel as though you want to die
That all is such a waste

The Weed Of Sin

Before the chick, no broken shell
Before the tree, no seed
Yet ere the day creation fell
The devil planted weed

{2} As The Spirit Moves

When first the Light of Jesus dawns
He breaks in truth the devil’s horns
God’s children see the darkness shrink
As evil’s chains fall link by link

Bless My Eyes

Bless my eyes the truth I’ve seen
The living Christ on whom I lean
God’s secret things I now behold
Salvation’s truth more pure than gold

Give God A Chance

You’ve troubled thoughts, life’s passing by
In deep distress you wish to die
Perhaps it’s happened all before
Christ; is knocking at your door

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