Michael P. Johnson Poems

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Deep Inside

It’s strange what happens deep inside
Once we’ve turned from sin and shame
Upon the wind we seem to ride
Whilst singing loud our Saviour’s name

Church Meetings (1)

We meet beneath our Saviour’s feet
What joy each face to see
Such love we feel when those we greet
The blood of Christ set free

Church Meetings (2)

The Spiritual blind come and go
Like leaves upon a tree
But Jesus’ flock learn quick and know
There’s much of God to see

Church Meetings (3)

Christ makes us strong, to help the weak
The swift, to patient wait
United, thus the truth we seek
Will help through Heaven’s gate

To Fear The Lord

Without The Lord, a worldly fool
Could steal a regents crown
They’d claim a while the highest stool
Then end by falling down

Together! You’ll Make It (2)

Spiritual growth in truth you’ll see
I’ll meet your every need
Talents and gifts, I’ll give you free
To make my plan succeed –Eph.4: 11-16

Together! You’ll Make It (1)

It seems the church is in a mess
This fact is nothing new
Each day she sees she’s growing less
But what on earth’s to do?

Think (1)

We wonder what it’s all about
This life we have on earth
Does wisdom satisfy the doubt?
Must death, accompany birth?

Think! (2)

The answer can in Christ be found
God’s truth is plain to see
Who’ll seek to walk His hallowed ground
God gives true wisdom free

The Age Of Wisdom (1)

“Can these bones live? ” The Lord once said
“You know? ” was man’s retort –Eze.37: 3
So God will resurrect the dead
To spread His true report

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