Michael P. Johnson Poems

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A Child Will Lead Them

The church elect, may come to fail -Mt.24: 24
Where Satan, can deceive
But so that none should end in jail -2Sa.14: 14
God warns; that we believe

God’s Mystery Unfold

As mysteries of The Lord unwind –Mk.4: 11-12
As wisdom comes in view –1Co.2: 6-9
Christ’s bride, reveals to all mankind -1Co.2: 10-16
The hosts of Heaven too –Eph.3: 9-10

Seek Not In Vain

We seek for gold, for precious stone
We’d gratify our lust
But fail to see, like flesh and bone
They’ll burn and turn to dust

Shine & Shine Again

To Heaven’s glory, Jesus died –Jn.17: 1
The dead, through Him to raise –Ro.6: 3-4
Life’s seed through death was multiplied –Jn.12: 24
Forever God to praise –Ro.9: 5

Awake In Christ

For gain, the world seeks far and wide
To lust, she’ll give her time
Her children travel round in pride
Indulging every crime

Secular Truth

The world we share bears so much shame
Decay plagues every land
Her brood deny their Saviour’s name
The Lord, through whom we stand

God’s Gift Within (1)

When Light first dawns within our soul –Isa.60: 1
When truth is first conceived –Ro.8: 15
Power’s received to make us whole –Ro.15: 19
Through whom we have believed –2Ti.1: 12

God’s Gift Within (2)

In Christ we must be Spirit filled –Ro.8: 9
Receive The Precious Dew
He’s come to purge, remove and build –Mt.3: 12
Foundations sound and true –1Pe.2: 5+1Co.3: 10-15

Salvation Can’t Be Bought

Just think salvation could be bought
Man purchase second birth
Thieves and cheats would fear for nought
The rich, would rule the earth

What Is This Life?

We need to seek what life’s about
God’s truth to really see
Be free of all our fear and doubt
And whom to bend the knee

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