Mike Hunter

Mike Hunter Poems

In a moment I shall ne'er forget,
Standing in a cold, dark corridor.
A sultry beauty caught my eye,
Whose peer I had not seen before.

The Best Poem Of Mike Hunter

Forbidden Love

In a moment I shall ne'er forget,
Standing in a cold, dark corridor.
A sultry beauty caught my eye,
Whose peer I had not seen before.

Like a rose dancing in a summer breeze,
She moved with graceful elegance.
And from the alluring spell she cast,
I stood transfixed within a trance.

Her raven hair doth gently fall,
Upon her tall and slender frame.
Magnetic eyes that captivate,
And twinkle like a dancing flame.

Her cheekbones frame a perfect face,
Near tender lips I long to kiss.
A smile that makes my insides melt,
With delusions of eternal bliss.

When e'er she's close I'm overcome,
With feelings that I can't explain.
A racing heart and breathlessness,
An aching that's bereft of pain.

But alas my love must ne'er be known,
For it can only lead to disarray.
Each yearning thought entwined with hurt,
So in my heart is where they'll stay.

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