Mimie Durand

Mimie Durand Poems

When the sun sets over the ocean
when the moon begins to rest
she sits at the ocean’s beach
its red cloak disappears in the west.

I have been morbidly ailing, for many months
Death would be such bliss
Finished with suffering and all its evil
Waiting for life to dismiss.

Winter snowflakes silently falling
Trees are white; yet bare,
No birds are singing
It’s dormant everywhere.

One day I met two Geckos
I asked them what they eat,
They said they eat all sorts of bugs
Except for their smelly feet.

Delicious, enticing
Cook, devour, consume
Textured, filling * smooth, flowing

Marine Corps Boot Camp changes one and all
Drill sergeants makes you feel embarrassed and small,
They get in your face as you stand straight and tall
You’ll recognize his voice and rush to his call.

I’m four-years-old
Daddy left us alone
It's been months now
he hasn’t phoned.

His young wife, his love
His entire life a companion,
He didn't recognise the signs
Before her life came to an end.

I bless each waking hour
we have you in our sight
knowing you’ll be leaving soon
I'm sad this final night.

There was a young man from Milwaukee

he drank some very strong saki

What Is A Car
Is It Friend Or Foe?
Depends How It Runs
How Fast It Can Go.

Do dentists go to heaven?
I am told they’re needed up there
To care for the saint’s and angel's teeth
They make partials by the pair.

I'll be executed sometime today
I�ve been on death row now five years.
Hope that it's speedy with no delay
when l face the devil and all his peers.

God, I don’t want to start an argument
with you during prayer time tonight,
but why haven’t you taken
Uncle Frank?

Raped of my childhood
I'm all alone,
no one cares-
loss of confidence, prone.

I want to see you grow
into a fine young man
I know you will; it’s in God’s written plan
Although you don’t see me

Relaxing, beautiful
Roasting, swimming, fishing
Grill, fish, hammock, boat
Ski, hike, jog

The hare and the tortoise
Went for a walk
To see what they could see,
They saw a dog way up in a tree

The Best Poem Of Mimie Durand

When The Sun Sets Over The Ocean

When the sun sets over the ocean
when the moon begins to rest
she sits at the ocean’s beach
its red cloak disappears in the west.

Each evening she yearns for its beauty
the feeling cannot be surpassed
she wishes its elegance would prevail
but like a ship it lowers its mast.

Soon she’ll be as one with the sunset
the sickness has taken its toll
the thought of resting in its magnificence
lulls her heart and soul

Dedicated to Debbie Wherland

Mimie Durand Comments

Erik Gero 16 November 2016

Dear Mimie! My name is Erik Gero. A musician and composer with European background, living in Canada. As I was searching for poems on roses, I discovered your enchanting poem The Mystical Rose Your beautiful poetry inspired me to write some exquisite music. Your poem is the center and the title piece of my Triptych for Choir Flutes and percussion. The Avanti Singers, the Chamber Choir of Brock University St. Catharines want to premiere this work in the spring of 2017. I need to have your permission for this occasion. Unfortunately I won't get payed any money for this performance to share. However in the case of a recording or publishing this work in print, I gladly give you, your share either in one amount or a percentage of the income. Please get back to me with your answer ASP. Here is my e-mail address: erikgeroniagara@gmail.com Warmest regards Erik

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