Miroslava Odalovic Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Pray Tell Me What's In A Forever

If a forever means to be apart

Or slams the door with a sound of never
Locked within the pieces of a broken heart

Each Thought Counts

when I do nothing nothing just thinking thoughts
each thought cornered counterpointed
dissipates silence breaking seals of the impossible
evaluations scramble upon the civic minds

A Poet Painter Mystic Stuck In The Womb

He daily delivers himself
A memory painted onto a canvas
A moon beam resting in the river mouth
A brush stroke testing the length of a shadow

Dream Extreme Fantasy

Dare a say a ride
Dream extreme virtual waves
Windswept on so high a tide

Tango Neg Emo

tango neg emo
tango neg emo stuck
move shuffle feet
bloom in red dresses

Giggilly Google Me Not

giggilly google me not
could it just make me laugh
which is good so good I almost forgot
what it makes a good old start

The Mind

the mind a mind
disciplined on a broken spine
and a heart struck emo
sometimes so hard to merely survive

Taknuto Maknuto?

One cannot take the words back
especially if you experience
punishment by silence

I'M A Human

I'm a human
Why not be weak
Why not be scared
Why not be ashamed

All The Silences You'Ve Written Out For Me

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