Miss Tee Poems

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I don't know why I'm crying... and cannot seem to stop...
I don't know why I feel so down, or that the world around me has no sound..
I don't know why I'm thinking that no one cares right now..
I don't know why I say that the world would be okay should I pass away today...

Chasing Dreams

I chase the dream of hope.
Hope for a world of safety and prosperity;
A world without the crimson flow of blood.
And I dream of moreā€¦

Happiness Matters

I'm not waiting for your approval,
or your permission.
I don't want or need you to tell me
what I should do,


The art of love: how it can blossom so nicely.
The beginning is a fantasy and a dream to pursue.
Closer and closer we get into the eyes of love
to whisper and speak softly of how it can turn into something.


A Long Way Home

I woke up this morning,
glanced in the mirror,
and saw a face.
A face I've seen many times before

Hearing But Not Listening

Feeling completely on my own
as rebellion is encouraged against peace of mind.
Whispered assaults from all side increase their intensity with a might.
Shattered defenses presented as you are slowly crushing my spirit,

Pandora's Stock

Freeze these pages of time.
Do not leave them ephemeral.
Capture the wavering, thundering escapes...
Capture those thrown on the side; bundled in memoirs of your life passion.

Identify Me

There comes a time in everyone's life when a question is pondered
With anxiety and stress, or simple curiosity.
When profound thoughts rest uneasy in your mind and soul...
Becoming a crease in your peace, difficult to put into verse and conveyed...

Catch Me, I Am Falling

I cannot see,
for I am now blind;
I cannot see,
tears have taken over.

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