Moe The Tomboy Poems

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Forever Tomboy

I was born a tomboy,
never fitting in with the girly-girls,
so I hang with the guys,
and some of the sporty girls.

Sounds Of The Peaceful Beach

Caw! Caw! Goes the seagull calling it's friends.
Whoosh! Goes the soft wind running through the little girl's hair.
Splash! Goes the boy, as he dives into the crystal clear waves.
The child laughs a triumphant laugh,

But Why Mommy?

The girl sobs in her mother's arms,
'Why? Why does this happen? ' The girl cries through sobs.
'Oh, baby. When it's there time, the people pass on. To their real home.' Her mother said.
'But Earth was grandma's home! Why did God do it? '

Would You?

The girl walked up to the boy, and said,
'Do you think I'm pretty? '
'No.' The boy replied.
'Do you like me? '

*1 Fire

I am awakened by my sister's cries.
I pull my head from the pillow, and into a cloud of smoke.
A Fire.
I rip the bed covers, from around me,

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