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The Pretty Renewal Of Your Pretty Love

Your pretty love never replenishes me, so I renew it with more and more with pure and true love Of mine that is endless until the last moment. It's my pretty love to you and my eternal love That is obedient to love every time willingly, It's a huge love that has no borders and unlimited That makes me on fire every time you come to mind, It's your pretty and pure

بحر الحب الهائج الجميل

العصافيري - (AL-ASAFIRI)

الطفولة جميلة و البراءة جميلة و كل شيء في عين الطفل البريء جميلة و نقية و هكذا كانت حياتنا هناك قرب العصافيري حيث كان البحر ملاصقا للصخور و كانت الامواج تلاطمه و تلاعبه و لكنها, مع مرور السنون, تحته حتا انها سنة الكون

A True And Pretty Friendship

It's a pretty bridge that Connects and brings us together From all around the pretty globe. It's the pretty way that brings Us to feel and to sense our happy And pretty existence on our pretty earth. It's the true and pure friendship That combines us in life. It's the pretty friendship

The Pretty Tent Is Not Your Pretty Direction

There are very well known directions in life and They are known to everyone of us, They are the east, the west, the south, and the north. Firstly, if you take the east or The eastern direction, then You will be on eastward or eastwards, Secondly, if you take the west or The western direction, then You will be

The Pretty American Street

A Pretty E-Mail Is Like A Pretty Flower

She sent a pretty email
Telling me in it that she's

The Pretty Language Of The Pretty Sea

When rough it's roaring,
When calm it's like a pretty baby,

حب الله هو حب ليس كمثله حب

SALMA (سلمى)

سلمى كان و ما زال هذا اسمها الجميل الذي اختاره لها والدها منذ وقت طويل جدا و قبل ان يكون في بيتهم الرائي الجميل او عصارة الفواكه او طاحونة القهوة الحديثة. انه الاسم الجميل للست سلمى الذي احبته و ارادت ان

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