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A Pretty Test

God gives money not to keep it, but To test you with it, You say I made it, but God gives it to you to test you, Money is a big test for you Anytime, anywhere, and everywhere, It's your choice whether to save it, to give it, To spend it, or to give it to

A Small Talk About Our World

It is better for our world To go to bed and turn off All lights behind it now, Our world is not doing good About anything and everything, Everyone is complaining about Our world's performance and about Its competence anytime and anywhere, There is no doubt that

A Spike Of Grain In A Pretty Spring

If all the pretty year becomes Spring all the time, then we We will get spikes of grain all The year around greatly and Wonderfully anytime and anywhere.

The Up-Side-Down Image Of The World Around Us

Our world has one image Which is clearly seen to everyone Anytime, anywhere, and everywhere Except to the deaf, dumb, and the blind people, This image is clearly called the Up-side-down image which is bad and painful, This image looks like the waste land or An image of an earthquake or a disaster, and in a word It is the

Lost In This World

I am fully lost in our world Because I don't know what to do To my pains and sufferings amid These huge pains and headaches which Are permanent and everlasting, I am like a piece of rock or a piece Of stone on a corner or in a missing land Which can not be seen, but hardly in the The clear

Just A Smile

I am looking for just A smile In a grain of sand Or inside A piece of rock, but I can not find it Because it disappears Every time I want to catch it.

One-Eyed World

This world Which We Stand upon Is Greatly One-eyed Because it can see

We Are Not In A Time

Our time is not Like any other time, but It's a weird time In which Nothing cheers up or Pleases, No one is happy or Satisfied, Not a single word

Not To Be And Not To Be Not

Everywhere they learn you And teach you this great Man's words William Shakespeare, Everywhere and anywhere they tell you To be with us or to be against us, What happened to our world?

Flies Or Human Beings?

Nowadays we don't know if We're human beings or flies, We're merely in between knowing Or not knowing what we're are now, We're human beings in our IDS only, but When it comes to treatment we're naught,

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