Hit Title Date Added
Love's Pretty Senses

Any true love has five pretty senses, It has the power to see its pretty eyes, It has the power to hear with its sweet ears,

Our Pretty Parents

We love all people everywhere And no exceptions, but all people After our parents are neighbors.

Different Terms

Honesty is a big escape, Patience is a solid key, Will is an able action, Love is a true myth, Generosity is an eternal giving, Loyalty is a great promise, Altruism is a great merit, Lying is a bad shortcoming, Tyranny is a wrong

Love Is A Pretty Teacher

Love is a great teacher That graduated from the Universities of life deservedly And got its highest degrees and Other love certificates from its lovers.

My Bitter Enemy

I have a bitter enemy That terrorizes me which is That ugly mosquito, Although it is a tiny creature, but I suffer from its ugly bites,

Never Rely On The Useless

If you rely on bad people To succeed you will fail immediately, If you look for the useless To help you you will fail soon, If you think so - and -so Can help you for good you immediately will fail,

The Candle Of Love

Everything goes away, Everyone goes away, Nothing remains as is, Time flies, Water evaporates, The sun rises and sets everyday, Money comes and goes, Days and nights come and go, Clouds pass

A Refugee's Ongoing Sufferings And Pains

Sufferings and pains of a pretty refugee Are infinite and greatly endless because Everyone will do his best to throw him Badly behind one's back and behind one's Horizon in this cruel and merciless world

The River Of My Thoughts

The pretty thoughts flow Like the pretty flow of a river. They come streaming in the mind Until we utter them in time.

It's Not Your Choice To Be A Refugee

O great man! O great woman! O great soul! O great human being! Please die honorably in your own Country and under your ruined house And never be a refugee by any way

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