Hit Title Date Added
Understanding Others Gently

I Hug This Life

A Hopeless Hope Anytime In Our Life.

The Influx Of More Displaced Into The Unknown

They left their pretty houses, but Not with their will, They walked in the heart of darkness Into the unknown world, They went out without pretty memories, But with sad memories left them inside,

The World Of An Ugly Mosquito (A Tyrant)

A tiny mosquito is like An ugly dictator does not Care if we suffer from its biting Because it cares only about sucking Our blood to feed itself on it and so An ugly tyrant or a dictator sucks all our bloods to To feed himself on them anytime and anywhere, so A mosquito is ugly, but a tyrant is uglier Because each tries to

Mass Graves Of Humanity

Today not like yesterday Because a criminal or a tyrant Is not satisfied with the killing Of a mosquito, but he is ready to Kill the whole humanity in mass graves Just to replenish his rotten mind,

Not To Be Is Better Than To Be

Not to be means to be Greatly and totally invisible In everything including your pretty Thoughts anytime and anywhere on earth, To be means to find yourself on a solid Ground and not on a moving ground under your feet,

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