Hit Title Date Added
Knowledge About Death

Inevitably everyone of us
Will pass away
Sooner or later,
Willingly or unwillingly,

Knowledge About Death - معرفة عن الموت -

حتما كل واحد منا
ان عاجلا او آجلا
طوعا او كرها

Dawn's Pretty Prayer

No wonder if I say
That Dawn's prayer
Is the best ever
Simply because it

Those Pretty Deprivations Of Things Are A Must

That ugly infighting
Between brothers has intensified
Those ugly deprivations of
Those people who are still

Tyranny's Fast Fall Will Be Inevitably Soon

Nothing can not fly higher and higher
Simply because it will not be
For ever and ever
Anytime, anywhere, and everywhere...

Tyranny's Fast Fall Will Be Inevitably Soon -

Nothing can fly higher and higher
Simply because it will not be
For ever and ever
Anytime, anywhere, and everywhere...

لا شك بأن سوريا هي ارض المحبة و السلام و لكن
كل شيء فيها ينزف بادىء ذي بدء
من ناسها و من طرقها و من شوارعها
و من ما نعلم و ممن لا نعلم...

عندما كنا صغارا
كنا نقفز من فوق الجدران
كي نلعب كرة القدم مع ابو سليم
و كل الاصدقاء...

Latakia Is Our Home Anywhere And Everywhere

Latakia is our home
Anywhere and everywhere
Simply because it dwells
In the depth of our hearts...

اللاذقية بيتنا
في اي مكان و في كل مكان
لأنها ببساطة متناهية تسكن
في سويداء قلوبنا,

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