Hit Title Date Added
They Let The Fleeing Refugees Die

Selfishness and carelessness Are behind the inevitable death Of the fleeing refugees who died horribly Offshore for ever and ever and All hopes vanish with no return.

In The Pretty Moments Of Silence

There are a lot of moments In which we find ourselves Happy and relaxed rather than The moments in which we keep Talking about trivial things Anytime, anywhere, and everywhere,

She Says She Loves Me

Habibati (My love) Says she loves me in truth Because I do love her in truth too, I trust all that she says anytime, She is always in my heart and in my mind Because she is my great focus, I do love habibati in truth, so Her image is always drawn in front me Even if she is present.

The Burial Of Our Civilization

Unfortunately a lot of innocent refugees Got drowned offshore horribly a few days ago And were buried unknown even to their relatives, so All their dreams and hopes went in vain because Our current civilization got drowned and got buried In the seas of our darkness.

Only Her Love Remains

Her love is as great as Herself because she sticks to it Unchanged whatever the circumstances Might be anytime and anywhere, so her love remains immortal for ever and ever.

To Habibati (To My Love)

My love is as great as I need water when I am Thirsty in a remote desert, My love is pure as the clear Water in a bottle or a glass, My love is everlasting as long As blood circulates in my body,

In The Pretty Kingdom Of My Love

I enter her kingdom Happily to enjoy our Love together far from All the hardships of our World to be together permanent Lovers for ever and ever Without any fears or pressures Because in my love's kingdom

One Candle

I have only one candle, In my hand, I will light it for you And only for you, O my sweet honey! This sweet candle Will light our pathways,

Red Lines Of This World

All lines of this world Are designed cleverly and Smartly in secret and behind The cunning screens to kill The real truth of our world Anytime, anywhere, and everywhere Especially the nasty red lines of The true weakness of our world.

I Am Still Alone

Alone is a nice word For me Do you know why? Because it's better For me and for the Other side To be like this for Many reasons and many things, I do not like to be alone, but I am alone and it's like a compulsory Thing.Anyhow it's my fate to be like this.

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