Hit Title Date Added
I Can Not Get Out Of It

I got stuck with life Like most of the pretty people Because we have pretty dreams and We can not activate them anytime, Anywhere, and everywhere, but We go and go revolving in our tired

Peace Versus War

Peace talks louder Than any ugly war Because peace overcomes The ugly spirit of all wars, and In a word, The pretty peace versus the ugly war.

Pretty Terms Of The Pretty Wool

Woolen words can warm all cold winters, Wool can warm cold weather, Woolens can warm us in cold winters, Woolly shirts warm our bodies, so In Winter we wear woolen clothes

Your Ugly Injustice Does Not Help

If you're able to overcome and defeat people Inevitably and surely you will be defeated oneday too, Your ugly injustice will not stay and will not prevail Because justice is over there and no one can avoid it, and I can say greatly and wonderfully your ugly injustice versus Our pretty justice, so you will not prevail for ever and ever.

Facing One's Realities

When you make a grave mistake
You should be liable to questioning
And you should stand trial for

A Little Kid's Decision

Sometimes a little kid Can make a pretty decision Better than an unwise adult, Taking a pretty decision is Not that big thing, but it's A trivial thing in one's life, We don't compare between a kid

Our World Is A Big Hypocrite

The world, in which we live, Says something and It does something else, Our world, in which we live, Promises something and It breaks its promise, This world, in which we live, Can not be trusted because Its trust is under great test,

Accountability And Its Pretty Rewards

To be accountable, Anytime and anywhere, It means there are pretty People who follow you In a pretty and legal way, Accountability enriches our

Inspiration And Aspiration

What is freedom? It inspires me to Be free from the ugly Chains of an ugly tyrant Who presides over innocent people And it aspires me to look for A life of the proud people whose Ultimate care is to get rid of the ugly Tyranny and its ugly

The Tyrant's Failures

Being an ugly man With the ugly spirit of killing Of innocent people, so He failed in everything Around him including His ugly judgments of things

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