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The Pretty Moments Of Truth

When everything wakes up in me and When everyone knows about me and in me, Then I realize that I can reach the pretty Moments of truth I have been looking for.

The Cruel Corona Challenges All Humanity.

We all suffer from
Corona and from its
Cruel impact on all
Of us everywhere,

The Unknown Invade The Known

Ugly criminals and ugly strangers Are the unknown people who invade The land of the known and butcher All the pretty kids, all the pretty women, And all the good men at one time to Spread hatred and chaos.

The Pretty Suicide Rock

It was named the Suicide Rock And everyone knew about it. It was over there on the Kournish Of the Southern Shore.

The Fleas' Market

Fleas'Markets are sweet and pretty everywhere Because everybody goes over there on Saturdays And Sundays including poor and rich,

ابداع الله و خلقه لا حدود لها

الشمس كوكب مشرق و جميل و كذلك بقية الكواكب رائعة و جميلة و لكل كوكب دورانه وحركته و لكن الشمس تبقى لنا و لأعيننا مختلفة و ظاهرة للعيان على انها تدور و نشاهدها كل يوم و هي تشرق و تغرب كل يوم

The Earthquake Is Coming

Earthquakes are scary and horrible, but The coming earthquakes will be sweet and pretty Because they will behave differently, The coming earthquakes will shake the whole Ugly thrones of tyrants and their ugly tyrannies,

صباح الخير لمن عنده الامل

الامل يبدو مشرقا و يلوح جميلا من الافق و من خلف الجبال و السهول و من خلف براءة الاطفال انه الامل الذي طال انتظاره و حنت النفوس اليه و اشتاقت البه القلوب و العقول لأنه يحمل في طياته الحب و السرور فصباح الخير لكل من عنده

Which Is Not Yours It Will Not Suit You

Never borrow a suit or a uniform which is not yours because it will Not suit you, Never borrow a book or a notebook which is not yours because it will not help you, Never borrow a car or a bike which is not yours because it will not be Helpful for you, and

زيوان البلد و لا حنطة الجلب

ان تكون في بيتك على كسرة من الخبز او صحن فول مدمس او او صحن فتة بزيت من مطعم حارتنا او من مطعم الحبايب بين اهلك و جيرانك و احبابك خير من ان تكون في خيمة بالية او في قصر منيف او ان تتسكع هنا و هناك من اجل بضعة او حفنة دولارات لاتسمن و لاتغني من جوع

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