Hit Title Date Added
We Always We Sing For The Flowers

A Pretty Dream

The Pretty Song

The Flower's Smile And Fragrance

The Sweet Song

The Flower And Spring

Half A Dream Not Fulfilled

My dream is divided into two halves, One half is not mine And the other is not mine too. So I don't have a dream, But I have a bubble. Someone stole my dream which Was my last haven. My whole dream got vanished. Originally I don't need my dream, but I can say I have a dream.

Help Wanted

'HELP WANTED'is everywhere. This is merely a sign On every store's window, In every newspaper's pages. 'HELP WANTED'just a sign and a lie. I tried, in vain, all these 'HELP WANTED'signs. It's a shame on the sign's lies. Hire or not hire If you hire, thanks for you. If you don't hire, bye, bye. People need help and not help

I Wish I Were

I wish I were a drop of water to give to the thirsty, but I am not. I wish I were I were a fish to give to the poor fisherman, but I am not. I wish I were a grain of sand to give it to the desert, but I am not. I wish I were a loaf of bread to give it to hungry people, but I am not.

Mosa'Ab Is A Hard Number

Somewhere on earth a newly born baby was born a boy called MOSA'AB eleven years ago in a summertime, bright, and beautiful day and opened his eyes to the new world bringing happiness to my sister and her husband. The stars and planets smiled and

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