Hit Title Date Added
You Are A Great Loser

Perhaps you might own the whole world, But you don't have morality, then You are a great loser,

IN GOD WE TRUST نثق بالله

If I lose some patience, I can say I lose something, If I lose some money, I can say I lose something,

نهاية الحنش القاتل

هناك حنش قاتل مازال موجودا خلف الحجارة و الصخور مختبئا و مذعورا كفأر اختبأ من قط يطارده فلا يعرف اين يختبىء و لا يعرف اين يذهب و القوم في الخارج

نهاية الحنش القاتل

هناك حنش قاتل مازال موجودا خلف الحجارة و الصخور مختبئا و مذعورا كفأر اختبأ من قط يطارده فلا يعرف اين يختبىء و لا يعرف اين يذهب

All Words Explain My Situation

There is no pretty alternative to my pain, but My pain itself, There is no pretty alternative to my anger, but My anger itself,

Good And Evıl الخير و الشر

Like the parallel lines, Like the opposites, Like the ice and water, Like the sky and and the earth, Like the parallel railways, Like the top and the bottom, Like the dark and light, Like the pretty love and the ugly hatred, Like the sweet water and

Time talks. It is precious and important In everything and for everyone Anytime and anywhere,

Freedom And Its Pretty Price

When you don't have your pretty freedom One hundred percent, so what do yo do?
I fight for my freedom with all might and My power to have it and to enjoy it greatly.
My pretty freedom is not bargained, sold, Bought, negotiated, minimized by anyway,
My freedom is taken and never given to anyone And henceforth it paves the way

The Pretty Clouds Cry For The Little Orphans

The pretty heavens and the pretty earths Cry for the poor orphans who got stranded In the ugly tents of misery,

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