Hit Title Date Added
Save Our Souls (Sos)

We are living in an ugly tent On top of the mountain of the world, In the bottom of the world, and in Any part of the world in which we find ourselves, We have been over there for a long time, but No one cares or anyone says just a single word About what's going on to us on this planet, We suffer and we complain from the horrors, The

My Pretty Dreams Got Vanished

One day I had a lot of pretty dreams About the pretty world around us Because I wanted the pretty world Around us to be pretty and lovely in All its great and pretty images, but Instead I find nowadays gloomy world

هنيئا للصائم بباب الريان

الصيام ليس فقط عن الطعام بل عن كل ما اراده الله و كل عمل المرء له الا الصوم فأنه لله و هو يجزي به الصوم وقاية و الصوم حبا لله و الصوم رائع

My Pretty Address

Everyone has a pretty address except me because I live in a tent near the remote rocks where I am a Neighbor the poisonous snakes and the ugly scorpions, I don't have a pretty GPS for my place to be located there For I look like the caveman in the stony age, I did not come by my choice or by a pretty trip, but My bad fate led to where I am dwelling now between these Scary places, bad

The Aggressive Invasion Of A Mean Mosquito

You Are A Great Loser

Perhaps you might own the whole world, But you don't have morality, then You are a great loser,

IN GOD WE TRUST نثق بالله

If I lose some patience, I can say I lose something, If I lose some money, I can say I lose something,

نهاية الحنش القاتل

هناك حنش قاتل مازال موجودا خلف الحجارة و الصخور مختبئا و مذعورا كفأر اختبأ من قط يطارده فلا يعرف اين يختبىء و لا يعرف اين يذهب و القوم في الخارج

نهاية الحنش القاتل

هناك حنش قاتل مازال موجودا خلف الحجارة و الصخور مختبئا و مذعورا كفأر اختبأ من قط يطارده فلا يعرف اين يختبىء و لا يعرف اين يذهب

All Words Explain My Situation

There is no pretty alternative to my pain, but My pain itself, There is no pretty alternative to my anger, but My anger itself,

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