Nadir Salum

Nadir Salum Poems

You're the only one,
that I want
Because you always covered my back.
Yes you are!

They drive me along, They do
These my brothers no longer brothers.
Their hands are whips, along they drive me.
I am no longer the mother's child.

This is my first try,
to stop being lazy,
I waste my time being lazy and idle.

At the end of the marothon
My body steaming like a hot chicken
Do I spy a colourless liquid?
Could it be the cool thing I need?

The bus is late, again
I need to be on time, at the wedding!
What could really have happened?

The Best Poem Of Nadir Salum

You'Re The Only One

You're the only one,
that I want
Because you always covered my back.
Yes you are!

You're the only one,
that I want beside my loving parents.
Yes you are!

You're the only one,
that understood my feelings, even the craziest
That I expressed to you.
Yes you are!

Guess who you might be to me?

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