Naveed Akram Poems

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Cancelled Into Craters

One sea has been cancelled due to rain,
I drink it evenly, I spit it out into the craters;
Then the water worlds are envious,
And monsters of the deep regenerate

Dear Quality

My collars are straight from the money,
Letters of calligraphy curtail the events;
As we swear to serve the leaders of the nation,
Tight fittings remind us of sin.

Weddings Of Colour

The song wedded itself when a note of illness
Rang the other person, a man of stretched ability
That stayed on his bed for a night and a day.
This funeral was finer than objects of colour,

Respect His Books

I respect his face of hair and skin,
The butterflies cluster around his noisy head.
The faults he wears currently are extinct,
Those wonders in his heart shall never be sin.

Destroyer Of Grace

I am the destroyer of worlds that collide
And one way or the other a script arrives,
I am a man of infinite sacred names
And one day the size of another man.

Gladness Of Small Men

Outside the gladness of new men
Is an inside of cutting and witting,
Internal ribbons bind and abide
With muscular aerobic activity

All Around The Nature

All around my head is a strong sickness,
Come to the bed of flowers that wilt.
Dressed in red, in purple and yellow,
They turn their faces to those with brains

One Lies About Oblivion

One lies to please me into oblivion,
Each orchestra has attacked,
One mighty blow has encrypted itself,
Feelings will now disappear.

Circles In Circles

Make circles in circles then entertain them,
Pose new thoughts for the astute of this earth;
One sees on a weekday the beginning of descriptions,
A newspaper walks freely with new thoughts and men.

Opening The Faithful Doors

Open the doors to faith glistening within the breasts
Of men who you ponder on and worship with glee;
Their faith is bigger than a thousand monuments,
Fixing their stare over the negroes and westerners

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