Naveed Akram Poems

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One Deed

Justify one deed of your existence,
In front of God is the real assistance.
Happy are children, the likable ones,
With them are common thoughts and impressions.

Banks Of Money

The trade of man is simpler than crosses
To make on a sheet of homework.
This distance of miles and miles specializes
In the slogging nature of teamwork.

Disasters And Deeds

Disasters excel when brilliant,
This fact is well-known and magnificent.
Deeds of the tragic command belief,
But is it not disbelief, any relief?

Endangered One

Distraught and endangered, my jolly family,
In the middle of the night and then actually.
Danger is a familiar building of joy,
The essence is stranded in the toy.

Religion The Trust

We welcome the past to ride a fortune,
Fixing places of worship, the elaboration.
Much complains for the memory to last,
It is about remembering a major fast

Art As Art

Describe a work of art as Art,
Concentrate, concentrate, relieve your heart.
Destiny has a loving feature,
One of us cares for the creature


Your life gains destruction once,
Hugh was destroying some abhorrence.
He, Hugh, crept on his legs when a child,
Working on the walker, working it compiled.

Coping With Bad Luck

Diligence created me of latter days,
Years of changeless time were always.
Gods fed the spirit of our liking,
Keeping hatred and antagonism but coping.

Heart Attack

Enmity struck his heart,
Inside his body the part
Was heard to crack and make
A little blood of ache.

Body Movements

I have in my arms an inner mechanism,
Yes legs, there is strong realism.
The body movements will remain
Loving our lessons and again.

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