Naveed Akram Poems

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The Days Spoke

Gone are the days we spoke to each other,
Smiling is an art to deliver to the mother.
How do rests and exertions complain
In the face of danger, the main?

Cruel Acts

Cruel talk causes us to retaliate in odd acts,
So that forethought may be like facts.
The inclination to see a humourous purse
Straightens our monetary commerce


I seem to spell different words in a way,
These signs are mine, too far away;
Financial worries belittle my blackened life,
Hosing the forest of black and brown so lowlife.

Fisherman’s Sin

A deadly sin defies and disagrees, you are disallowed,
Forces of potions are a secret for talking evil aloud.
Then premises of good are able to pay sacrifice
To clouds all-sacred, too powerful and concise.

Heart Of A Beggar

Beggarliness contrives hearts to ponder on poverty-
A barrenness of attitude is wavering on the sick and property.
Births are to be controlled according to blindness,
Puberty is a stage once called unkindness.

Facts To Manufacture

An achievement was passed over the long way,
Facts to manufacture can reside in the airway.
To solve and act carried intelligence,
Underneath the sea of engineering and absence.


Thrust us with brilliance, how didn’t I realize?
Poke me with fun as murderers advise,
In this is wisdom, my wisdom that has shattered
Many souls of evil, those eager people who mattered.

Your Religion

Never do things of the religion be insane,
Input is the key, the shame of the aeroplane.
Heaven is forcing us to the sun,
Just about your image of the bun,

Strict Dangers

Strict help may cause alarm,
How do we forget and be warm?
My help strengthens the fearless soul,
Like no mind has ever, no control.

Winds Blowing

Go to the winds of learning and sow the seeds so sweet,
They blow away like the dust under your feet;
Blowing, blowing away like the spring and summer
And all in-between, all of the drummer.

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