Naveed Akram Poems

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Star Maps

Never in a year does a star
Misshapen the globe,
The war is on, the wars have begun.

Family House

The house is many-storeyed,
Its flavour is tasty, like the snow.
May you live in this building
For all eternity, just to be unique

The Great Oak

A great oak greeted me, with eyes glinting momentarily,
Joining us in the church, the pews soon were filled;
Hoping to achieve the best results, an axe was used
For the benefit of churchgoers, for their benefit.

Express Heartliness

Open a hand to the level of mine,
Exert it fully like the created line.
Bestow your liking for them,
And anger must never damn.

Real Hearts

Then the reality strikes you in the head
And the heart has complained
Due to pain and suffering, mighty feelings.
This heart commands our hearts

Brain Of Yours

Iron Lady

She is an iron lady of dropping metal,
Inside the brain easy is the stain too vivid.
It succeeded for the mind became solid and well,
Mentality stood firm in abundant health.

Religion's Devils

The devils of religion face the music
That reads itself like a spinal chord.
The really clever demons prevent the ions
From escaping the flesh.

Food For The Body

Food is of geese, blood and guts,
Under this river of blood and ancestry.
Friendly relationships come forth when adjusted
By the food granted by the authors of books

One Desert For One Deserter

One fine day I understood him as a book
To be opened by the pages or the pages;
If from far off lands a word bespoke
I was to swear my allegiance to a god of stone.

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