Naveed Akram Poems

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Maker Of Horror

He who is a hoaxer is a Holocaust-maker,
He falsely accuses the imagination to wander.
He is a double-crosser, his mind agitates,
Those traitors travel and cook.

I Saw You

The days I saw you my life was concluded,
You bedazzled me afterwards with your leering look;
It reminded me of an individual who was bolstered by excellence,
He was with this likeness, and he was with this appearance.


Blood Flows

Soon my blood is in a stopping way,
It mixes with the air, and a scab forms.
My heart is all right, fine, perfect,
At last, let the heart beat naturally

The Good Soul

Raising a fortress of goodness is like the soul,
It flourished in the middle of time, with cunning.
The body is beautiful like the iron men,
Instead of strength there is iron

The External Poet

The poets are collected by their grace,
Poems after poems connect, convect and direct;
Words are worthy of sparkle and splendour,
Diamonds avert the disaster of a trade,

Tunnel Of Wind

In a tunnel of wind and blood
My spirit reigns and calls the flood.
My laughter sings now that I’ve began
The ruling of love in this life I ran.


To mean a time is special like putting on a fire,
The fire burns and churns into blasts of laughter,
It is cheering you on, wheeling around,
Causing anger, feeling grotesque,

You Keep The Sea

You keep anxiously the longing for sweets,
You have torn speech like dirty robes,
And abandon treasure arriving at your feet.
Because the brain is loving stones and pebbles,

A Person Is Thinking

A person is thinking, wasting his thoughts on bodies
And darkness, bad writing, and dying freedoms.
A prayer is cool, written tonight as we accept it always,
Safe like calling, safer than a shut door, being well.

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