Nicholas Bacon Poems

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A Carolle.

O gratyous Lorde, ohe sauyor dere,
Our onelye hope and all our chere,
Our presente ayde in euerye woe,

A Prayer Of A Penytente

If the iuste mann seaven tymes eache daye
Ohe Lorde dothe fall, what shall I saye?
Of all iniuste moste sinfull manne

Agaynste A Mynde Not Contented

Nothinge in earthe soe good I fynde
As in a mann a contented mynde.
Fewe thinges with this doe sarue alone,

Agaynste Ambityon

Whie woulde the Knighte a Barron bee?
Whie woulde the Barron an Earles degree?

Agaynste Couetousnes

What is the cause the gredye manne
With care to gett waxethe pale and wanne?
Haueinge enoughe whye craues he more?

Agaynste Idlenes

What bringethe ruste to Iron smothe?
Whye stynkethe water that dothe not moue?
Whye dothe the grounde that fertell was

Agaynste Inconstancye

The marchantes wishe the Lawyers trayne
For hasarde smale and certeine gayne.
The Lawyer dulled with sute and strife

Agaynste Luste

To man lewde luste bringethe theis ylles,
Councell it damnes, his mynde it kylles,
Vertue it voydes, manners it marres,

Agaynste Occasion Of Euell

As causer of the smoke is the kindeler of the fyer,
Euen soe is wanton talke the cause of yll desyer:

An Englishe Jme

Lorde for my slepe and reste this nighte
And for this grace preserueinge mee
In bodye sounde in mynde vprighte,

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