Nick Bell

Nick Bell Poems

Dear diabetes
I cannot take it anymore
My body feels like a war

A friend is someone that you are close to
A friend is someone that always remains true
A friend is someone that sticks to you like glue
A friend is someone that understands what you are going through

February 14th 2003, a day made for love
I was diagnosed with a bug
A bug that is permanently with me
When there is a cure, I will be free

The pain
The horror
The misery
The frustration

Everytime I think of you
I feel
Nostalgic - because I miss talking to you
Sad - because not talking for you longer than a day (makes me feel sad)

As I lie around in this bed
Absolutely bored out of mind
I have sad thoughts in my head
I wish that these sad thoughts were left behind

Lately, I've been having a feeling

It's something that I find appealing

Sitting around outside
In my hammock
Glazing at the sun
Typical Sunday that is no fun

Just look around
You see people
People who label themselves as something

As I walked outside
My face can feel the cold
I am taking a stride
I see people young and old

I was locked in a cell
Inside my own personal hell
Tried to control my sanity
Don't fit in with the rest of humanity

I am a loser
I am a nobody
I am about to lose it
I am alone

Nature lover
Curious gentleman

Everytime I walk down the street
I see lots of idiocy
Lots of hypocrites
Lots of ignorance

I go outside and I see of the beautiful blue sky

I see the birds fly

Dear God
I hate my life.
I hate myself.
I hate having diabetes.

When I first saw you
You were feeling blue
You had said black eyes
That little disguise

Once I was trapped inside a box
Stuck inside a room with a lock
Looking at the walls
Looking at any bug that crawls

Feeling down
My face is wearing a frown
My eyes have tears streaming down my cheeks
I can't stop crying

I'm so sad right now
I cannot go to sleep at all
I'm worried about grandpa right now
I am practically crying my eyes out right now

Nick Bell Biography

Hello! My name is Nicholas Bell or Nick for short. I am 12 years old and I LOVE writing poems. My poems are usually based on personal things like feelings and emotions. Some of my poems are personal. Aside from poems, I am also a musician, I play guitar. I listen to lots of rock music and related genres. I like to play hacky sack with my friends.)

The Best Poem Of Nick Bell


Dear diabetes
I cannot take it anymore
My body feels like a war
You destroyed everything about my life
You've ruined my childhood
Can you feel the pain?
No, you can't because you are giving me pain.
It's making me go insane
And I've been thinkin'
My life's been sinkin'
I want to die.
I had enough of the pain inside
Enough of the tears
Enough of the fears
I just want to go and be in a better place
I think I am a waste of space
No one will miss me
So screw it.

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