nimal dunuhinga Poems

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The Express Train Of My Shattered Thoughts

Without hooting and signals this wonderful train goes out of the track
And it seems searching the homeland,
I see a ragged stationmaster holds a rusty red lantern very blurred, who wants to stop me at a far end?
The station called ' The death beyond the Mystery.'

Wading Birds

Cranes and Herons fly in the twilight sky
A loon idles at a riverbank,
Full Moon peeps like a new coin to illuminate the dark side of life
And the ferryman shouts; 'Nobody wants to cross the river.'

Shani The Young Poetess From Massachusetts

She knows much but talks very less
And she attached to us before we leave for California.
I learned a lot of things in this fragile life from her innocent smile
And it's a hidden poem really that never published.

A Soul Whispers

Pastoral Chant

Her whisper in the thorny bush when she blooms
and her fragrance spread all over the pasture.
A shepherd boy with the cattle
and the muddy river flows monotonously.

A Non-Starter And His Nook

His clock has stopped for some days
and he is not interested of time.
But the time is passing
and he is not worried.

A Cataract Eyed Gardener And A Wild Rose

'My dear, you pour me water or tears as I feel the warmth it seems
And do not get upset please as I keep my word forever.'
Wild Rose said faithfully.
'I am a poor deserter Rose and how do we live together happily? '

It's Only A Dream Chum

My whole wealth has been confiscated
And I woke up in the middle of the night with a huge cry.
Thank God! now I realized why you didn't allow me to deposit money in the bank?

A Tenant In The Obscure House

He has a morbid fear of crowds and the doctors diagnosed the sickness as ' Ochlophobia'.
In the day time he locks himself inside and he goes out in the middle of the night.
He invites his best friend the handsome death for a chat
Where he lives nearby the cemetery,

The Last Moon

Who worries of this pauper's whereabouts
And please do not think that I don't have any regrets?
I sleep on the road as usual and I see you all the time in the night sky.
But I know about the vast distance between us.

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