Or.all.the.same Or.all.the.same Poems

Great distance, but not far ‘way from my heart,
For we are close, no matter microns or miles
Through all eternity lovers will never part,
Envied by all, despite their denials.

The Best Poem Of Or.all.the.same

Love Never Lost

Great distance, but not far ‘way from my heart,
For we are close, no matter microns or miles
Through all eternity lovers will never part,
Envied by all, despite their denials.

I hold you in my arms and taste your lips.
The slow touch will linger forever through time.
It is rarer than the sun’s total eclipse.
Will there be a spark again so sublime?

Future we will never see, only past.
Why things are, we will never know
Except our love, this is true, it will last.
Our love will be more than so long ago.

It is you, dearest, I will always cherish
Even when the universe shall perish. Or.all.the.same Comments Or.all.the.same Popularity Or.all.the.same Popularity

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