No Reason To Care Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Broken Soul

the roots hold down
my broken soul
a flower now
with a seed to hold

Love Is A Rose

love is like a rose
it grows and has beauty
but only if you take care of it

Love And Hurt

love is nothing but pain and sorrow
hiding in a blind world
of emptiness, loneliness
and so many lost...

To Late

it's too late to save me
the time has past
I've made up my mind
I've decided at last

...The... Signs...

the signs were all subtle
but I still didn't see
how she felt
blew right past me

Can You Even Try?

try to explain this to me
try to make me see
try to make me see your lies
try to make your comments rise

I Dream Of Nightmares...

I dream of nightmares
under my skin
I dream of nightmares
over and over again

I Walk Away

I walk away into a blind world
full of excitement and adventure
questioning all
answering to no one

Is Anyone Going To Help?

is anyone out there?
can you hear me cry?
is anyone out here?
can you help me run?

Consider The Following! ! !

consider the following:
if you run and hide
does that make you a coward
if you stay and fight

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