O Anna Niemus Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Alpha Lady

The homeless woman
became so frightened,
so anally retentive
about her few bags


By Native American freedom fighters
was General Custer
turned into custard
and the troops he did muster

Occupational Magnetism

Does gynecology
attract some male lust-ers?
Does interrogation
attract some skull busters?

Sheriff Deputies Of Banks

The bank was required in that state
to give only 10 days notice to
people whose landlord had been
foreclosed upon.

Senate With 100 Head

The livestock state
senator describe how many 'head of cattle'
he had.

Street Thug Spyware

Like street thugs asking
if one wants to pay for
protection from their violence,
the spyware company asks

Cain And Abel Disinformation

Is Cain and Abel a disinformation story?
designed to make sheeple believe
that butchers like Abel are more pleasing
to God than Cain's fruits and vegetables?

Cubed Prisons

The animal labs and factory farms
had wire cages stacked in columns..
The animals on the bottom received
the strongest rain of urine and diarrhea

Douglas Macarthur

General Douglas MacArthur as he left soldiers to die in the Bataan
death march while boating off to the safety of Australia said in stentorian
tones: 'I shall return.' He rolled tanks onto veterans seeking their own
benefits. He sacrificed untold numbers on the altar

God Is Green

God is green,
said Jim Wilson,
with such holy charisma
that others agree

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