O. C. Woods Poems

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'Clear Eye Clouded Mind'

Dear old friends my soundtrack for a white night
Snow or sleepless? both and killing thought

write on this day that the poet is dead

Sex Tape

'The ocean takes me into watch you shaking
Watch you weigh your powers
Tempt with hours of pleasure
Take me one more time'

Dfns Videos

'Caress' the night with undecise soundings from Mrs Moon Immi Thoo
inspiration from dearest friends and loneliness of fiends to overdo
coming back to the main point of argumentation the lullaby's stuck
it's all about us these words stain these 'too dark' quotes never did the trick

The 2nd Name

Choose to be wise to last through time and tide
the 2nd name is golden starry never sad

hard to write down how years will sounds for you dear

Are We Young?

Tonight I drink again play to think, listen
missing dear Charles smiles of wisdom.
Problems and thrones to take out from our uneven lives
I dream seeing you more, to talk always sincere in rhymes

And Tdkr

Alone in front of the big screen Wednesday night's climax
I send texts to dear friend wish for the meet and drinks.
Dark grimly bloody days are now to be feared
The black flying figure saving what?

Hot Week Long Down I Am

When feel is ache I rise to the Sun
'all the way down' is the answer to all my wonders
deep in the myst of what is rotten I struggle to survive without a run
I feel I won't get pass this warmth alone Mrs Darkens.


'You spoke to me through her
you spoke to me from the sky, the trees.
Before I knew I loved you, believed in you.
When did you first touch my heart?

The Tygers

'Tygers! Tygers! 'Two of them in my forest
the number I love dear bright first and second best
I walk through the trees at night
the Tygers are my saviors saving any fright

29th September 2012

Black lipstick and white powder to celebrate
number 33, remembered by many at extraordinary rate
get away weekend to let go the Tyger inside
or miss the love of me life three never escaping tides

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